Give yourself The Gift of Self-Love, a workbook to help you build confidence, recognize your worth, and learn to finally love yourself.
This one if for those who are going through a breakup or healing from heartbreak of any sort. You will hear from Mary and a few of her friends on what’s helped them heal their hearts after a break-up. Tune in for heartfelt advice, words of encouragement, and a dose of poetry.
You will hear from…
Mary (@maryscupofteaa) on leaving someone after experiencing trauma together and heavily relying on each other
Kelly (@_kellyu) on finding your own identity after leaving a toxic relationship
Julia (@fitfatandallthat) on letting yourself grieve the loss of a future
Whitney (@whitneyhansonpoetry) who shares a spoken poem for those who are afraid to love again…
Remember: breakups suck, but they’re something to celebrate, too.
If you enjoyed this episode, screenshot it and tag @maryspodcast on social media! And make sure to get Mary’s book, The Gift of Self-Love: It’s a self-love workbook that will help you build confidence, recognize your worth, and learn to finally love yourself.
Pre-order Mary’s NEW BOOK: 100 Days of Self-Love, a guided journal to help you calm self-criticism and learn to love who you are. Pre-order it today to get the audiobook for free by visiting
Mentioned In This Episode…
Excerpt from pg. 94 of 100 Days of Self-Love titled “Celebrate Breakups”
Excerpt from pg. 170 of 100 Days of Self-Love titled “Breakups Are Mirrors”
”home” poetry book by Whitney Hanson:
2 ways to show yourself more love:
Host of the top-rated self-love podcast, author of The Gift of Self-Love + 100 Days of Self-Love, and worldwide retreat leader. So happy you're here. :)